Monday, August 29, 2011

Healthy Dietary Lifestyle

There is so much information out there on one diet or another that most people just don’t know what to do anymore.  You may have tried one diet after another with disappointing results and wonder if there is something else out there that makes more sense?   The answer to that is – YES!!
Let’s get back to basics and give the body what it needs to make the proper hormones and enzymes for the body.   Let’s give the body the right type of exercise and sunlight so that it can function in a healthy state rather than one filled with muscle aches, joint soreness and swelling and other poor health issues.
The Paleo Dietary Lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle for wonderful health with a clear thinking brain and balanced body weight.   What is this Paleo Diet Lifestyle?  Glad you asked! 
To get you started here are a few selected video clips to help you understand what this new lifestyle is all about.  If your interest is peaked, there are plenty of web sites, wonderful books and recipe books to help make eating this way sheer joy… Enjoy!!

If you still think you need formalized exercise check out for exercises that provide short interval bursts of training.

Web sites:
The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat  by Loren Cordain
The Paleo Diet Cookbook: More than 150 recipes for Paleo Breastfast, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks and Beverages    by Loren Cordain, Nell Stephenson & Lorrie Cordain
The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet   by Robb Wolf